Saturday, May 16, 2020

Organizational Perspectives On Leadership From Fields...

Problem Statement â€Å"Organizational perspectives on leadership from fields outside of criminal justice are not relevant to criminal-justice practitioners because criminal-justice leaders face scenarios that are not comparable with scenarios that occur in other fields† (South University Online, 2016, para 1). Problem Background Information Two friends discuss their jobs over coffee. Friend one works as a police chief, and friend two works as a business executive. They each believed that their job was more stressful than the other persons. The business executive said that because he works within the â€Å"cutthroat business world†, where he can lose his livelihood if his company does not profit each quarter, his job is more stressful. (South University Online, 2016, para 2). On the other hand, the chief of police, believes that his job is more stressful because â€Å"he is responsible for the physical safety of his constituents and his officers, and that this causes him more stress despite his greater job security† (South University Online, 2016, para 3). They end their conversation with the understanding that both of their jobs are completely different and it is pointless to argue over which one is more stressful. People feel the weight of stress in their jobs based on their own personal perceptions of the work they do. Are their jobs comparable? Yes, the job of a police chief is comparable to the job of a business executive. Just as with any comparison there will be similarities andShow MoreRelatedLeading Group Challenges1610 Words   |  7 PagesPolice, courts and corrections are part of criminal justice organizations. Each of these organizations face challenges every day and the leaders of these agencies must deal with these challenges (Duelin, 2010). 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It was found that U.S businessesRead MoreApplied Psychology2564 Words   |  11 PagesApplied psychology Liza Knepper 6/1/2012 The many different areas of applied psychology are found in every aspect of our lives from home to work; from our families to our friends it’s on the city street and in the red barn on the farm. Applied psychology has played a major role in our lives and is very important to the understanding of all psychology from the way we work to the way we sleep and is a large part of everything. â€Æ' Understand Our World of Applied psychology Introduction ARead MoreEssay on Police Abuse of Discretion2738 Words   |  11 Pagesof instances of police brutality. Many of these included the use of the third degree (beating to obtain a confession). This is a very effective way to get a confession out of somebody. However, beating the accused could easily elicit a confession from a scared and innocent person. Also, this puts the accused persons life in danger. Police officers must make snap life and death decisions daily. Officers work in an environment where death (theirs, their partners, and an innocent or guilty person)Read MoreJadm 430 Complete Course - Devry ( All Assignments - Dqs and Midterm Exam)3666 Words   |  15 Pages †¢ title page, topic discussion, and a list of three references †¢ annotated outline †¢ annotated bibliography †¢ Final Paper Requirements †¢ APA guidelines must be followed for all course component deliverables. †¢ At least six authoritative, outside references are required for the annotated bibliography and the Final Paper. †¢ All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. †¢ The Final Paper isdue in Week 6of this course. †¢ The Final Paper must be 8 to 10 pagesRead MoreGuest Model of Hr4241 Words   |  17 PagesP1.1 – Explain Guests model of HRM Guest (1987) shows a model of HRM that is commitment based, which is distinct from compliance-based personnel management. 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